
Hi Bonnie,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. You certainly understand the existential blow to one’s identity that losing a life partner entails.

I wish I could say that you will ride this through and come to a better place, but each person’s journey is so unique. It helped me to embrace the entire narrative arc of my life story and to use the grief journey to build another chapter. I’m impatient and an extrovert, so I’ve been extremely frustrated, but 1.5 years in, I can also say that from the perspective of soul growth, the unfolding has been perfect.

Hang in there, use every encounter as an opportunity for connection, and follow your heart. Bruce.

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Thank you for this. I'm navigating these paths, three months now, and desperately afraid. Listening to Madredeus, Tim Buckley, Bruce Cockburn, both afraid and unable to accept the finality. It's as if I could WILL him back. But I can not. Nor can I accept. I haven't reached that point. Every day is harder. I don't know when or if that will reverse. Thank you for writing these missives, epistles, whatever they are. I think of all the supposed truisms about the heart - the heart is a lonely hunter; the heart is deceitful above all things; the heart, the heart. Thank you, Bonnie, under a different name on the TM Facebook boards.

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